The Problem With Modern Diets?

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    I’m sure you’ve realised ever since fat loss diets became a thing a number of years ago that there is someone new, with something new that is claimed to be the silver bullet for fat loss, health and whatever else they are proclaiming.

    Everyone has their own opinion on what works for fat loss and health. We’re starting to experience the influx of even more BS that to a ‘normal’ person just doesn’t make sense.

    Here are 3 problems.

    Problem number one — Social Media

    The best thing about social media is that anyone can say anything and the worst thing about social media is that anyone can say anything.

    The ‘norm’ is never going to stand out unless that ‘normal’ person has an incredible physique is stupidly funny or did something outside of what they’re saying

    If you’re like me you probably like foods other than boiled chicken, rice vegetables and drink something other than water.

    But if you’d listen to some on Social media they would have you thinking you are going to die if you eat something processed.

    Eddie Abew has grown huge in the past 12 months or so and why?

    these people are watched and shared. The algorithm doesn’t stop these things from being posted or shared because they want the eyeballs on the platform.

    Eddie Abbew was sharing some opinions but when he started with the ‘it’s fucking shit’ videos thats when he started to get more popular. People love and to be fair I love doing an impression when I see something shit. Like a bad Netflix show or something.

    Which means that more people see the video which means that even if 1% of those people seeing these videos believe them then false information comes out.

    Then that is shared more.

    But when you see a video where he says that you are fat because you have insulin you have to question what is going on in the world. If that were true then the leanest people in the world (bodybuilders) would not be eating carbohydrates. Because carbs raise blood sugar which raises insulin. The fact that non-type 1 diabetics are now testing their insulin levels has me concerned. And this is where that shit comes from.

    Problem Number 2 — It’s all about Money.

    This is ironic really because I am also trying to make money doing the same thing.

    The difference is I am not a charlatan trying to tell people something doesn’t work when it’s backed by years of research…

    And no I am not saying that Eddie Abbew is wrong in everything that he is saying becasue some foods are not ‘great’ for you but food is food.

    See the thing is Eddie is not practicing what he is preaching because he was previously a world-class bodybuilder. I can guarantee to be in that peak condition he was eating more often and he was eating a load of carbs too.

    Liver King is another. I enjoy Liver Kings videos and think he’s funny but again he was caught cheating using steroids. My opinion on steroids is that it’s fine because it’s their choice but don’t claim it’s not steroids…

    So saying that eating liver breakfast lunch and dinner is going to get your absolute shredded as long as you eat liver kings bars is a major issue.

    I get it though it’s marketing and he’s rich because of it. It’s just not as transparent as you would like.

    But hey if they taste amazing then go for it.

    Problem Number 3 — Authority Bias

    It seems like anyone on Twitter or X with ‘MD’ at the end of their name is a charlatan.

    They are the worst of the worst.

    Podcasts are often seen as a vessel of expert information too. But you will notice that any guest to have ever been on a podcast does not agree with the guest a week later…

    But they’re all Experts?

    Paul Saladino is a carnivore guy who seems to now be making his way to eating fruits….

    He is an MD. In one post he said that some kind of food is shit because in rat studies it did something bad. Disregarding the fact it wasn’t a human trial

    Then the next video he said we don’t have human trials so we can never know.

    Remember this is getting himself a following being a carnivore and now realises he was wrong and needs carbs to feel good.

    If you ever follow him on any platform you will see he cheery picks studies to use mostly ignoring what the study is about.

    OK, so what is the truth?

    The truth is that some of what they are saying is right and some of it is wrong, for the general population. However, it could also be bad for you but it could be the best thing in the world.

    Eat a well-balanced diet, including foods from each of the macronutrients, avoid excessive alcohol, sleep as much as you can, do lots of cardio, lift weights and be social. You’ll be golden.

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